Conclusions =========== The next paragraphs will contain a small summary of the lessons learned in the project, comments about the development, acquired knowledge and a evaluation of the product. The first consideration commented between those who form *The Sheriff Team* is that we didn't expect to deliver something that was going to work in this short period of time. We were frightened of the fact that we had to deliver a project from scratch in less than two months. Now that tests are passing and we have a final code organised and clean, we are very proud of the achieved result. The second consideration is that *The Sheriff Team* is formed by people with very different work experience in the programming world. Taking this into account, we consider that all of us, every one in his own level, has learnt a lot and has had the opportunity to apply the concepts learnt in class. Mostly in design concepts, but also in how to build a correct infrastructure, the level of knowledge of every one has grown a lot. Given the different background of the team members, selecting technologies was a bit of a challenge, specially the programming language. The team settled for Python, for its lower learning curve, but it did bring its own set of tradeoffs. For instance, Python is not strongly typed, though since some versions it allows to define the types of the data being used, it's still not strongly enforced. After dealing with Python tradeoffs, we had to pick libraries, at this point the team realized that most of the available frameworks forced some concepts that the architecture selected would just be impossible. So the team settled for using *Flask* and *SQLAlchemy Core* (**no ORM**), both brought some ease to the development without getting in the way of the architecture. Finally, a dependency injection package was required because without using the whole frameworks, that part was left for the team to implement. Luckily, another small third-party library was found *inject*, which provided the required features. That being said about Python and its frameworks, the team still found Python easy to use, which helped into prototyping a :abbr:`MVP (Minimum Viable Product)` quickly and without much overhead. Last but not least some functionality is still pending to work properly and due lack of time we prefer to focus on documentation and sumarize decisions taken during the development. So you could find a couple of FIXME within the code and even non-closed issues in github in order to not lose the track of those future enhancements.